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How to Keep Small Children Healthy When They Can’t Go Outside

How to Keep Small Children Healthy When They Can't Go Outside

 By Brooke Chaplan

If your children are going to be stuck inside for the foreseeable future, then you are probably wondering what you can do to keep them healthy.

Luckily, with a few simple changes to your daily habits and a handful of household projects, you can ensure that your kids are going to remain safe and in good health in the coming months.

Start with a Deep Cleaning

The very first step in this process will be deep cleaning your home to remove any lingering contaminants and pathogens. Once your home has been deep cleaned, you should continue to disinfect commonly touched surfaces at least once or twice a day with high-quality cleaning products.

You might also want to consider contacting a company that offers duct cleaning, seasonal maintenance, and other important air conditioning services. Those simple projects are going to greatly improve the air quality inside your home.

Revamp Your Diet

To keep your kids healthy over the next few months, you need to make sure that they are sticking to a clean diet. While the occasional treat is probably not going to do too much harm, most of a child’s diet should be healthy.

The average kid is going to benefit from a diet that primarily consists of whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, and lean sources of protein. Your younger children should also be drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Another benefit of a good diet is that your child will experience better oral health. A childrens dentist will be able to advise you on a personal level as to what foods to include and avoid based on your child’s current mouth condition. Each child is unique and promoting a healthier diet can benefit them in so many different ways

Encourage Them to Stay Active

Keeping your kids active could be a major challenge if they can’t go outside, but it won’t be an impossible task. All you will have to do is find physical activities that they can safely and comfortably do indoors.

Some of the options that you might want to try out include dancing together to your favorite songs, hallway soccer, and setting up indoor obstacle courses with pillows and other soft objects.

Stick to a Strict Nighttime Routine

Many people are surprised to hear that chronically undersleeping can have a major impact on the immune system. Unfortunately, your family might have a tough time sleeping simply because your daily schedules have recently changed.

To improve the quality and quantity of sleep that your children get, you should have them follow a strict bedtime routine each night and always put them in bed at the same time.

In addition to these few tips, you must make sure that your small children are mentally stimulated as well. Having them carry out challenging activities is going to ease their boredom and improve their overall well-being.

About the Author

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan

*Photos courtesy of Brooke Chaplan






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