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5 Ways to Boost Academic Potential in Your Child {Guest Post}

Guest Post By Sophia Smith

Every child has a potential for being academically successful, and whether that potential is developed further or diminished in time is often up to us as parents and the way we approach our child. There are always things to do in order to improve their academic success through their own efforts and good habits. Here are five ways to achieve that.

Finding motivation

When the only thing driving your child towards acquiring knowledge and studying is getting a high grade and fearing punishment if they don’t, you should examine your own attitude and help them reconsider theirs. Tell them, or better yet, show them that what they learn doesn’t serve just to get them good grades, but to make them competent, so that they can use their knowledge practically. They should choose to advance and learn new skills rather than just do what they’re told out of fear of disappointing you and receiving punishment. Once they realize they’re studying to grow and become a better version of themselves, they’ll do it with more verve, and in this process, they will reduce the stress and anxiety related to tests and exams.

Recognizing the key information

Another ability you should help your child cultivate is how to recognize the most important information in a lesson and how to turn that information into a useful and functional skill. You can achieve this by encouraging your child to ask questions and think what the answer to them might be rather than to have you answer for them straight away. When they realize what it is that they have to learn from a certain project, ask them how they got to the correct solution. If you notice your child has problems drawing conclusions and extracting important information from their extensive materials, there are various study platforms containing materials that can help them, such as the comprehensive WACE notes for Australian students, which are thorough, but concise, so that children can study effectively.

Making a good schedule

Creating a steady schedule and a study routine is the first step your child can take towards forming good habits. They should always study at the approximately same time during the day, and if that’s hard to achieve, they should at least have a weekly schedule they can keep up with. Help them make that schedule and make sure they include other activities, such as break times, extracurricular activities and even some play time, in it. This will help them avoid spending more time than necessary resting between two study periods and will wire their brains the right way to study regularly and efficiently.

Creating a study space

A study space where your child can feel comfortable and can focus on their assignments and projects is another way to help them thrive academically. It should be a place with a lot of light, where they’ll be surrounded by all the study materials they need. If there’s a computer there, pay attention to what they’re doing on it, since playing computer games or checking their social media accounts will only distract them. Also, make sure that they can’t see the TV, they can’t hear their siblings playing, and that they can’t hear the music from the kitchen radio because this will break their concentration and make it difficult to study. The simplest solutions to these problems would be closing their door, or buying them noise-cancelling headphones.

Reading regularly

If you want your child to achieve academic success in the long run, you should inspire them to read as much as possible, from their earliest age. When they’re little, read to them and read with them, so that they consider reading a normal and pleasurable activity. Do your best to make reading become something more, by making it your own special time and asking each other questions to discuss what you’ve read and the moral of the stories. Not only will they learn the correlation between the choices they make and the consequences of those choices, but they’ll also create a wonderful habit that will help them develop their imagination and improve their eloquence.

Helping your children form smart study habits will make it more relaxing and enjoyable for them to reach their full academic potential and approach their tests without stress and fear. So, don’t hesitate to get involved with their studying and provide them with any type of encouragement they need to progress.


Sophia Smith is beauty blogger, an eco-lifestyle lover and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about natural skincare, minimalist wardrobe, yoga and mindful living. Sophia writes mostly about beauty-related topics in her articles. She has contributed to a number of publications including: Eco Warrior Princess, Viva Glam Magazine, How to Simplify and Carousel.

You can find out more about her writing by following her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google

*Photos courtesy of Sophia Smith


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