Don’t Forget Your Postpartum Pelvic Health Check-up – Here’s What To Expect

Don’t Forget Your Postpartum Pelvic Health Check-up – Here’s What To Expect

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Welcoming a new life into the world is a beautiful experience, but it also comes with a number of physical changes that can be challenging for new mothers to navigate. One of the most important aspects of postpartum recovery is taking care of your pelvic health. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support your reproductive organs, bladder, and bowel. Pregnancy and childbirth can weaken and damage these muscles, which can lead to issues like urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. That’s why it’s crucial for women to undergo a postpartum pelvic health check-up. In this article, we’ll discuss what you can expect from this type of appointment and why it’s so important.

When Should You Get a Postpartum Pelvic Health Check-Up?

It’s recommended that all women who have given birth schedule a pelvic health check-up around six weeks after delivery. This timeframe allows your body to start healing and gives your doctor enough time to evaluate your pelvic floor function accurately. However, if you continue to experience issues such as pain, bladder and bowel control problems, or pain during intercourse, you should request a pelvic health assessment sooner.

What Does a Pelvic Health Check-up Involve?

Your healthcare provider will start by asking you about any symptoms you may be experiencing and your medical history. Then, a physical exam will be performed, which involves a vaginal and rectal examination of the pelvic floor muscles. Your doctor may suggest assessing your pelvic floor muscle function using either a vaginal or anal probe. If needed, you may be referred for imaging diagnostics such as an ultrasound or MRI to obtain a more detailed understanding of any pelvic floor fascia damage.

What Happens if Issues Are Found?

If any issues are detected during your pelvic health check-up, your specialist will discuss your treatment options. It might include pelvic floor physical therapy, training yourself to empty your bladder properly, or in severe cases, surgery by a urogynecologist. For less severe cases, pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle modifications may be sufficient.

Why Is It Important To Get a Postpartum Pelvic Health Check-Up?

As mentioned earlier, childbirth can have a severe impact on pelvic health, leading to problems like urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and sexual dysfunction, among others. Getting an assessment of your pelvic floor muscles after delivery can help your healthcare provider identify any potential problems early. Early diagnosis and intervention can allow you to restore your pelvic muscles, improve your symptoms, and decrease your chance of developing further problems.

In conclusion, your postpartum pelvic health requires care and attention. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to challenge any ongoing symptoms. A pelvic health check-up can be performed quickly and painlessly by an experienced provider. Scheduling one can be the best decision you can make to avoid any long-lasting damage, restore your pelvic muscles, improve your symptoms, and decrease your chance of developing further problems. Take care of yourself—the best gift you can give yourself and your family is good health.

Brooke Chaplan

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