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Identifying Food Allergies vs. Intolerances {Guest Blogger, Grace Derocha}

Guest Submission By: Grace Derocha, registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator and certified health coach with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

September 2018

Researchers estimate approximately four percent of Americans have a food allergy and one in ten  have a food intolerance. The primary difference between these conditions comes from the origin, how they are diagnosed and how they are treated. Understanding the difference between a food allergy and intolerance can help keep children and adults safe from discomfort and potentially harmful reactions.

Food Allergies

More than 50 million Americans have some type of food allergy. These are triggered when the immune system identifies a food as a danger to the body, creating a physical response varying in severity for every person. In some cases, reactions to a food allergy can be life-threatening. Common food allergies include eggs, fish and shellfish, dairy, peanuts, soy and tree nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.). To identify and treat a food allergy, it’s important to consult a primary care doctor or allergist. Blood tests, skin tests and trying an elimination diet can help determine exactly which foods cause a reaction. Symptoms vary, but may include:

Food Intolerances

A food intolerance, also known as food sensitivity, occurs when the body has difficulty digesting certain foods. Although they can still lead to serious health issues if left untreated, food intolerances are known to cause less severe reactions than food allergies. Food sensitivities are most commonly linked to lactose, gluten, caffeine, histamines and additives (food coloring, artificial sweeteners, etc.) and it generally takes the body longer to react than it would to a food allergy. Common symptoms of a food intolerance or sensitivity include:

Tips to Stay Safe

Once a food allergy or intolerance has been diagnosed, it’s important to be aware of situations and environments when the risk of a reaction is higher. It’s critical to have an emergency care plan or kit

nearby and find ways to avoid the risk of a reaction at home, social gatherings and while traveling.

For more tips on health and wellness, visit

More About the Author

Grace is a wife and a mommy of two amazing children, Kahlea and Tommy. She is a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator and certified health coach at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and a featured blogger at A Healthier Michigan. She graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in dietetics and a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology. Grace has also earned a Master of Business Administration from Wayne State University. She has a number of certifications to help her educate people regarding how to live a healthier lifestyle, including a weight loss management certification and experience as a group fitness instructor.

*Photos courtesy of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan





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